Copyright Agreement
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi / Kadir Has Üniversitesi Araştırma Merkezleri Binası, Yazar Orhan Kemal Sokak, No: 7, 34083, Fatih - İSTANBUL
Hereafter will be referred to as “THE JOURNAL” in this agreement.
1.2. The author of the article, …………………………………………………..
Hereafter will be referred to as “THE AUTHOR" in the agreement.
In this agreement;
PAPER refers to all kinds of articles, research, book reviews, case presentations, chronology, etc., of academic quality prepared for the Journal.
ARTICLE refers to scientific writings written to provide information on any subject, to clarify an idea or subject, put forward a new opinion and thought, support these new opinions and thoughts, and test their accuracy by providing evidence according to the results of the examination and research on the subject in question.
Rights that the Author agrees to transfer to the Journal:
Copyrights related to the article/review/research article/book review/case presentation etc., produced by the Author for the Journal under the provisions of domestic and/or foreign legislation; rights to use in any form or format or platform, and the right to process, the right to reproduce, the right to distribute, the right to represent, regardless of the platform and format of these rights (without limitation in terms of time, place and number); rights to communicate to the public (without being limited to Free, Pay, Digital, Cable, Satellite, etc.); rights to dispose of all copyrights or financial rights, including broadcasting and transmission rights, without limitation in any way, from the Internet or all other virtual environments or via GSM or mobile phones.
The author consents to the correction, proofreading, and shortening of the material errors of the article to be prepared for publication by the Journal Editor.
It is limited to the publication of the Author's article/review/research article/book review/case presentation etc., distribution of the said publication to the widest possible audience; and at the same time, determining the rights and obligations of the Author for paper’s publication in the Journal and its promotion.
4.1. The Author transfers to the Journal all the rights listed in Article 2 of this Agreement regarding the article/review/research article/book review/case presentation etc., and the Author agrees not to charge or demand any fee from the Journal.
4.2. The fact that the Author has submitted an article to the Journal does not necessarily result in the article's publication. Unpublished articles will not be returned.
4.3. The transferred rights belong to the Journal during the protection period. The Author accepts and undertakes that s/he and third parties will not make any claims regarding the rights. The Author accepts all responsibilities arising from the claims of third parties from the criminal charges that may occur in the Article.
4.4. The Journal accepts the Author as the owner of the work on the Article and agrees to abide by all her/his rights specified in the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846 of the Republic of Turkey.
4.5. The parties agree that should the moral rights of the Author, as the owner of the work, within the scope of Law No. 5846, have been violated as a result of the Article’s publication in the Journal, would be followed up by the Journal when it deems necessary.
4.6. The Author accepts and undertakes to make any necessary changes suggested by the Journal Editor and submit the revised manuscript in the form and patterns determined by the Journal on time.
4.7. The Author accepts and undertakes that the manuscript submitted to the Journal is original, has not been published elsewhere, has not been sent to another journal/institution for publication, and has been written in accordance with academic ethical rules.
4.8. The Journal may, in part or in full, transfer all of its rights and obligations, which belong to it and are listed in this agreement, to another real or legal entity and may establish partnerships with third parties.
4.9. The parties accept and declare that the addresses specified in this contract and the Submission Form are legal notification addresses and that the notification to these addresses will have all the consequences of a legal notification unless the address change is notified to the other party through a notary public.
4.10. The parties will try to settle disputes arising from the application and interpretation of this agreement amicably among themselves. İstanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorised for disputes that cannot be settled amicably.
I, the undersigned, accept that the copyright of the articles approved for publication in the Journal of International Relations (Uluslararası İlişkiler) belongs to the Journal; I confirm that my work is original and that the Turkish or foreign language versions have not been published elsewhere or sent to another institution for publication, and that I fully comply with copyright laws.
Author’s Name-Surname and Address
Date, Place