NATO’s Altering Energy Security Perception: The Possible Position of Turkey


In the aftermath of the 1970s energy crisis, the globe has realized the possibility of energy scarcity. As a result, the term energy security has emerged in governmental agendas throughout the globe, especially in the NATO members. From that time, energy security became an important issue in NATO, considering the economic committee, industrial planning, planning in response to terrorism, defence planning for the supply of the oil and civil emergency planning.


NATO, Energy Security, Turkey


Biresselioğlu, Mehmet Efe, “NATO’s Altering Energy Security Perception: The Possible Position of Turkey”, International Relations, Volume 9, Issue 34 (Summer 2012), pp. 227-252.


  • Mehmet Efe BİRESSELİOĞLU, Assistant Professor Dr., Izmir University of Economics, Department of Sustainable Energy
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