Structure, Agents and Discourse in Managing Economic Crises: The Case of Greece, 2009-2017


This article focuses on the discursive frames used by policy entrepreneurs in Greece as they attempted to deal with the 2009 crisis and analyses the role played by discourse in handling the crisis’ consequences. Adopting a historical institutionalist framework, I argue that ineffective policy outcomes can be attributed to a path- dependent logic enshrined in the country’s political economy structures following the transition to democracy post-1974. Moreover, the reaction of policy entrepreneurs to the crisis was reinforced by their discursive logic of action, itself embedded in the state’s institutional matrix. Procrastination, a refusal to face an uncomfortable reality and politics as usual colours the response of Greek actors to the country’s biggest crisis in recent memory.


Greece, Crisis, Political Economy, Institutionalism, Policy Entrepreneurs


Tsarouhas, Dimitris, “Structure, Agents and Discourse in Managing Economic Crises: The Case of Greece, 2009-2017”, Journal of International Relations, Vol. 15, No. 58, 2018, pp. 9-19, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.518193


  • Dimitris Tsarouhas, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Department of International Relations, Bilkent University
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