Identity-Based Security Threats in a Globalized World: Focus on Islam


This article analyzes ethnic, religious, and civilizational dimensions of identity-based security threats and their link with globalization, with a specific focus on the connection between Islam as a basis for group identity and Islam as a threat. Even though, Islam sometimes perceived as a threat by Western world mainly for historical reasons, this article suggests that an ‘Islamic threat’ based on a Huntingtonian understanding of a civilizational identity is a myth. Nevertheless, it also argues that some radical and extremist groups, imagining identities based on Islam as a religion, might pose threats to security at the national, regional or global levels.


Security, Islam, Civilization, Globalization, Identity


Aydın, Mustafa and Açıkmeşe, Sinem, “Identity-Based Security Threats in a Globalized World: Focus on Islam”, International Relations, Volume 5, Issue 18 (Summer 2008), pp. 197-214.


  • Mustafa Aydın, Prof. Dr., TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Department of International Relations
  • Sinem Açıkmeşe, PhD Candidate, Ankara University, Department of European Communities and International Relations
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