The Issue of Effectiveness in International Environmental Regimes

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Volume 08, Number 030, 2011


The effectiveness of international environmental regimes is a subject that is becoming more and more important within the International Relations discipline. While one of the reasons of that is the increasing interest of the international community in environmental issues, the other reason is that the environmental issues have turned into a problem that has a direct impact on the relations among the states. However, there is no consensus on approaches about the assessment of the effectiveness of the environmental regimes. This study aims to consider the different approaches and views that are important in terms of the assessment of the effectiveness of environmental regimes. In this framework, the approaches related to regime effectiveness are assessed, and the outlines of theoretical and methodological framework that can be used in the analysis of regime effectiveness are tried to be defined.


International Regimes, Environmental Regimes, Regime Effectiveness, Cooperation, Environmental Problems.


Kaya, Yasemin and Kaya, Sezgin, “The Issue of Effectiveness in International Environmental Regimes”, International Relations, Volume 8, Issue 30 (Summer 2011), pp. 125- 148.


  • Yasemin KAYA, Dr., Uludag University, Department of Public Administration
  • Sezgin KAYA, Dr., Uludag University, Department of International Relations
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