BOOK REVIEW: Music of the "Imaginary Turkey" in Germany

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Volume 13, Number 049, 2016
Book Reviews


Since Germany and Turkey signed an agreement in 1961, the number of Turks living in Germany has rapidly increased, reaching approximately three million today. With the increasing Turkish population in the country, the encounter of the settled culture and the immigrant culture, their influence on each other, and the processes of integration and adaptation becoming state policy have become new headlines in both Germany and Turkey's agenda. The book discusses the reaction of the settled culture to the immigrant culture and the encounter of the two cultures in daily life through a musicology study.


Germany, Imaginary Turkey, Music, Culture, Migration


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, pp. 137-140


  • Sümeyye USLU, Master's Student, Department of International Relations, İİBF, TOBB ETÜ
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