The Past and Present of Scottish Nationalism and the Future of the United Kingdom
Having recently become a noticeable political power in Europe, sub-state nationalism challenges status quo in many EU member states. European integration process has not only expanded the arena of political struggle but also triggered debates over changing characteristics, functions and persistence of nation-state and nationalisms under new circumstances. The fact that Scottish National Party as the dominant actor of Scottish nationalism pursues “independence in Europe” confirms both the evident importance of European integration process and the continued significance of independent statehood as the ultimate goal for sub-state nationalisms. Thus, bringing about critical uncertainties about the future of the UK, Scottish nationalism shows that transformative impact of European integration on nation-state model and nationalisms is far from being fundamental.
Scottish Nationalism, United Kingdom, European Union, Opportunity Structures.
Saylan, İbrahim, “The Past and Present of Scottish Nationalism and the Future of the United Kingdom”, International Relations, Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, pp. 91-109.
- İbrahim SAYLAN, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Department of International Relations, Dokuz Eylül University