Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations) (2004-2017)

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Volume 16, Number 064, 2020


This research analyzes the journal of Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations) using bibliometrics. 14- year span of the journal was divided into three intervals of 4–5–5 years, and bibliometric data relating to a total of 316 articles and 319 authors throughout the 56 issues published so far were gathered. The articles were evaluated based upon parameters such as language, type of research, department, keywords, topics, theories, geographical regions and countries while the authors were evaluated on the basis of their origins, titles, gender, institutions as well as institutional and personal productivity. Changes between the intervals were consequently determined. The findings present an important journal-specific cross-section of the discipline of International Relations in Turkey.


International Relations Discipline, Bibliometric Analysis, Journal of International Relations


Çokişler, Elvan, “Bibliometric Analysis of Journal of Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations) (2004-2017)”, International Relations, Volume 16, Issue 64, 2019, pp. 29-56, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.652899


  • Elvan ÇOKİŞLER, Dr. Ar. Gör., Department of International Relations, Adnan Menderes University
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