BOOK REVIEW: Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East

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Volume 16, Number 064, 2020
Book Reviews


There has been much talk about conflict resolution and peace in the Middle East to date. However, when Middle East peace is mentioned, the most prominent conflict resolution or peace proposal is often the 1648 Peace of Westphalia and the order it created. In this context, research has been conducted on the possibility of a Westphalian-style peace in the Middle East. The latest work in this vein is the book titled Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East.


Middle East, Peace, Westphalia, Conflict Resolution


Kurt, Menderes, Book Review: “Patrick Milton, Michael Axworthy and Brendan Simms, Towards a Westphalia for the Middle East, London, Hurst&Company, 2018”, International Relations, Volume 16, Issue 64, 2019, pp. 165-167, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.653037


  • Menderes Kurt, PhD Student, Middle East Institute, Sakarya University
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