Interpreters as Diplomatic Actors in the Trump Era
This article investigates the impact of interpreters on the US foreign policy that is defined with a tradition of anti- diplomacy in the Trump era. The literature in both International Relations and Translation Studies often overlooks the impact of interpreters on diplomacy and fails to consider interpreter as an actor per se. In this context, the study will investigate the initiatives undertaken by interpreters in order to fill the emerging gap in the diplomatic sphere in terms of diplomatic language, customs and actors in the Trump era. Accordingly, the article first comparatively examines the role of interpreters and diplomats and then, discusses the key roles of interpreters in diplomacy under two main categories: “communication filter” involving time-gaining strategy, moderation and gatekeeping and “conciliation” that includes the roles of scape goat, crisis prevention and mediation. Overall, this study demonstrates that interpreters have a greater space of manoeuvre than is generally assumed in terms of influencing diplomatic processes. By establishing the missing link between International Relations and Translation Studies, this study aims to become a pioneering work that contributes to the debate about whether interpreters can be considered as an important diplomatic actor.
Diplomat, Anti-diplomacy, Interpreter, US, Trump
Seçkin Barış Gülmez; Nihal Yetkin Karakoç and Didem Buhari Gülmez, “Interpreters as Diplomatic Actors in the Trump Era”, International Relations, Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, pp. 63-82, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.655130
- Seçkin Barış GÜLMEZ, Dr. Instructor, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Department of International Relations
- Nihal YETKİN KARAKOÇ, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Izmir University of Economics, Department of Translation and Interpretation
- Didem BUHARİ GÜLMEZ, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Izmir Katip Celebi University, Department of International Relations