Evaluation of II. Wilhelm and Theodor Heuss Visit to Turkey from the Perspective of Economic Diplomacy

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Volume 18, Number 072, 2022


Economic diplomacy includes the efforts of countries to express the view that that the country has a reliable economic environment in the eyes of other countries as well as to protect their own economic interests. High- level visits are important in terms of showing the positive relations between the two countries and showing the efficiency of the country that made these visits at regional and global level. The first high-level official visits between Germany and Turkey were realized during the Ottoman period under the leadership of Wilhelm II. However, during the Republican period, the first presidency level visit from Germany to Turkey was realized with the visit of German Federal President Theodor Heuss. Purpose of the study is to demonstrate the effect of economic and political relations between the two countries in terms of both the visit of II. Wilhelm to the Ottoman Empire and the visit of Federal President Theodor Heuss for Turkey.


Diplomatic Visit, Economic Cooperation, Federal Republic of Germany, Official Visit, Trade


Hilal Karavar, "Evaluation of II. Wilhelm and Theodor Heuss Visit to Turkey from the Perspective of Economic Diplomacy", International Relations, Volume 18, No 72, 2022, pp. 87-102, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.954772


  • Hilal KARAVAR, Lecturer Dr., Akdeniz University, Faculty of Educational Sciences
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