An Ecofeminist Contribution to the Debates on the Neoextractivist Development Model in Latin America


This article presents a materialist ecofeminist critique of neoextractivism by highlighting its historical origins and elaborating its economic policy implications in Latin America. Three questions addressed are as follows: 1) How can materialist ecofeminism contribute to understanding the current dynamics of capitalist development in the Global South, 2) why (neo)extractivism hits women hardest, and 3) to what extent and how ecofeminist movements can shape a post-extractivist transition to a just and sustainable future. The article’s main argument is that exploitation and oppression in Latin America can be understood in terms of gender, race, and class and, therefore, require an intersectional analysis framework. Within this framework, post-extractivist alternatives in this region must incorporate an ecofeminist analysis to understand better how social expression systems (including sexism, white supremacy, and ecological crises) intersect and reinforce each other. In this framework, this study is intended to contribute to the growing literature and debate on the development and resistance dynamics of neoextractivism in Latin America, where long-standing racial and gender inequalities intersect with class inequalities.


Materialist ecofeminism, neo-developmentalism, post-extractivism, social reproduction, patriarchal capitalism


Esra Akgemci “An Ecofeminist Contribution to the Debates on the Neoextractivist Development Model in Latin America”, Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Vol. 21, No 82, 2024, pp. 135-152. DOI:10.33458/uidergisi.1470392


Esra AKGEMCİ Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Selçuk University, Konya E-Mail: [email protected] Orcid: 0000-0003-4119-2443

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